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Use docker

You can use Docker to run Hildr as an Optimism rollup node.

Pull docker image

docker pull

Copy in the JWT secret

Copy the JWT secret you generated when start execution client.

cp /path/to/jwt.txt .

Start a Hildr node

docker run -it -p 11545:11545 \
-v <you jwt secret>:/jwt/jwt.hex \ -- \
--network optimism-sepolia \ # can be either: "optimism","base","base-sepolia"
--jwt-file /jwt/jwt.hex \
--l1-rpc-url http://localhost:9545 \
--l1-ws-rpc-url ws://localhost:9546 \
--l1-beacon-url http://localhost:4000 \
--l2-rpc-url http://localhost:8545 \
--l2-engine-url http://localhost:8551 \
--rpc-port 11545 \
--log-level INFO \ # can be either: "DEBUG","TRACE","WARN","ERROR"
--sync-mode full