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Use docker

You can use Docker to run Op-Besu as an Optimism EL node on the testnets.


Download and install Docker.

Pull docker image

docker pull

Create a JWT Secret

You can check the JWT secret creation tutorial to learn how to create a JWT secret.

openssl rand -hex 32 > jwt.txt

Prepare the data directory

mkdir datadir 

Start a Op-besu node

docker run -it -p 8545:8545 -p 8551:8551 -v ./jwt.txt:/jwt/jwtsecret \
-v ./datadir:/data/ \ \
--network=OP_SEPOLIA \
--p2p-enabled=false \
--discovery-enabled=false \
--data-path="/data/" \
--engine-rpc-enabled \
--engine-jwt-secret="/jwt/jwtsecret" \
--rpc-http-enabled \
--host-allowlist="*" \
--engine-host-allowlist="*" \
--logging=INFO \

The following settings are a security risk in production environments:

  • Enabling the HTTP JSON-RPC service (--rpc-http-enabled) and setting --rpc-http-host to exposes the RPC connection on your node to any remote connection.
  • Setting --host-allowlist to "*" allows JSON-RPC API access from any host.
  • Setting --rpc-http-cors-origins to "all" or "*" allows cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) access from any domain.